Из статьи: Е. И. Ситняковская, Построение эффективных
побуквенных кодов для словарных методов сжатия данных.
// Проблемы передачи информации, том. 34, вып.2, Апрель-Май-Июнь
1998, С. 47-55.
An Optimizing Hybrid LZ77 RLE Data Compression Program, aka
Improving Compression Ratio for Low-Resource Decompression
Pucrunch is a Hybrid LZ77 and RLE compressor, uses an Elias Gamma Code for lengths,
mixture of Gamma Code and linear for LZ77 offset, and ranked RLE bytes indexed by the same Gamma Code.
Uses no extra memory in decompression.
Demonstration of the data compression stream algorithm
by associative coding method (ACB).
Acb102c.ha ( 20K)
THap file-compression utility
These results of reconstruction of Harald Feldman's HAP&PAH 3.0
are distributed absolutely free in a hope that it will be helpful to
everyone who is interested in data compression.
Although Thap is compatible with HAP&PAH 3.0, the source code of
compression algorithm is not identical to HAP&PAH. Thap runs 10-25% faster.